It is proposed that the development be broken down into 4 stages. The stages of development are as detailed below.
- Reclamation of 19.86ha of Quay areas and back-up land.
- Formation of 400m Quay – 30m wide.
- Formation of 200m Quay – 20m wide.
- Formation of Pier Head Breakwater.
- Dredging of channels to -3.5m and -8m Chart Datum (C.D.) depth.
- Dredging of 400m turning circle to -8m C.D.
- Dredging of a -12m C.D. Berth pocket immediately adjacent to the proposed Quays.
- Full new oil and Bitumen handling capacity.
- Commercial Port formed.
- Formation of reclamation bund allowing for the reclamation of 3.21ha of additional back-up land.
- Construction of rail embankment.
- Formation of 60m of quay - 20m wide (0.12ha).
- Reclamation of 3.21ha of back-up land, and 0.7ha as fishing pier and slipway areas.
- Formation of Marina breakwater.
- Dredging of future Marina to -3.5m C.D.
- Construction of fishing pier.
- Construction of slipway.
- Construction of rail lines.